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南美洲国家秘鲁发生一起惨烈命案,一名女子在发现男友出轨后,趁他熟睡时用刀子割下其睾丸,也割伤其腿部大动脉,导致男友失血过多痛苦身亡,女友事后企图逃走,但仍被警方逮捕。https://8w.news/4hU78ti 📸镜报 A tragic murder occurred in Peru, a South American country. After finding out that her boyfriend was cheating, a woman cut off his testicles with a knife while he was asleep, and also cut his leg artery, causing her boyfriend to lose too much blood and pain to death. Her girlfriend tried to escape, but was still arrested by police. https://8w.news/4hU78ti The Mirror News